Subaru 2006 Impreza WRX User Manual
Page 58

Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags
Some types of child restraint systems can
be installed on the rear seat of your vehi-
cle without use of the seatbelts. Such child
restraint systems are secured to the des-
ignated anchorages provided on the vehi-
cle body. The lower and tether anchorag-
es are sometimes referred to as the
LATCH system (Lower Anchors and Teth-
ers for CHildren).
Your vehicle is equipped with four lower
anchorages (bars) and three upper an-
chorages (tether anchorages) for accom-
modating such child restraint systems.
The lower anchorages (bars) are used for
installing a child restraint system only on
the rear seat window-side seating posi-
tions. For each window-side seating posi-
tion, two lower anchorages are provided.
Each lower anchorage is located where
the seat cushion meets the seatback.
The tether anchorages (upper anchorag-
es) are provided for all the seating posi-
tions (middle and both window-side ones)
of the rear seat.
You will find marks
at the bottom of
the rear seat seatbacks. These marks in-
When you install a child restraint
system, follow the manufacturers
instructions supplied with it. After
installing the child restraint system,
check to ensure that it is held se-
curely in position. If it is not held
tight and secure, the danger of your
child suffering personal injury in the
event of an accident may be in-