Subaru 2006 Impreza WRX User Manual
Page 10

Drugs and driving
If you are taking any drugs, check with
your doctor or pharmacist or read the liter-
ature that accompanies the medication to
determine if the drug you are taking can
impair your driving ability. Do not drive af-
ter taking any medications that can make
you drowsy or otherwise affect your ability
to safely operate a motor vehicle. If you
have a medical condition that requires you
to take drugs, please consult with your
Never drive if you are under the influence
of any illicit mind-altering drugs. For your
own health and well-being, we urge you
not to take illegal drugs in the first place
and to seek treatment if you are addicted
to those drugs.
Driving when tired or sleepy
Please do not continue to drive but in-
stead find a safe place to rest if you are
tired or sleepy. On long trips, you should
make periodic rest stops to refresh your-
self before continuing on your journey.
When possible, you should share the driv-
ing with others.
Modification of your vehicle
Car phone/cell phone and
Driving with pets
Unrestrained pets can interfere with your
driving and distract your attention from
There are some drugs (over the
counter and prescription) that can
delay your reaction time and impair
your perception, judgment and at-
tentiveness. If you drive after taking
them, it may increase your, your
passengers and other persons risk
of being involved in a serious or fa-
tal accident.
When you are tired or sleepy, your
reaction will be delayed and your
perception, judgment and attentive-
ness will be impaired. If you drive
when tired or sleepy, your, your pas-
sengers and other persons chanc-
es of being involved in a serious ac-
cident may increase.
Your vehicle should not be modi-
fied. Modification could affect its
performance, safety or durability,
and may even violate governmental
regulations. In addition, damage or
performance problems resulting
from modification may not be cov-
ered under warranties.
Do not use a car phone/cell phone
while driving; it may distract your at-
tention from driving and can lead to
an accident. If you use a car phone/
cell phone, pull off the road and park
in a safe place before using your
phone. In some States/Provinces,
only hands-free phones may legally
be used while driving.