Off road driving – Subaru 2006 Impreza WRX User Manual

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Driving tips

Off road driving

All AWD models except


cles with 17 inch tires

Your AWD vehicle is neither a convention-

al off-road vehicle nor an all terrain vehi-

cle. It is a passenger vehicle designed pri-

marily for on-road use. The AWD feature

gives it some limited off-road capabilities

in situations in which driving surfaces are

relatively level, obstruction-free and other-

wise similar to on-road driving conditions.

Operating it under other than those condi-

tions could subject the vehicle to exces-

sive stress which might result in damage

not eligible for repair under warranty. If

you do take your SUBARU off road, you

should review the common sense precau-

tions in the next section (applicable to the

OUTBACK SPORT) for general guidance.

But please keep in mind that your vehi-

cle’s off-road capabilities are more limited

than those of the OUTBACK SPORT.

Never attempt to drive through pools and

puddles, or roads flooded with water. Wa-

ter entering the engine air intake or the ex-

haust pipe or water splashing onto electri-

cal parts may damage your vehicle and

may cause it to stall.


Your Subaru can be driven on ordinary

roads or off-road. But please keep in mind

that an AWD SUBARU is a passenger ve-

hicle and is neither a conventional off-road

vehicle nor an all-terrain vehicle. If you do

take your Subaru off-road, certain com-

mon sense precautions such as the fol-

lowing should be taken:

Make certain that you and all of your

passengers are wearing seatbelts.

Carry some emergency equipment,

such as a towing rope or chain, a shovel,

wheel blocks, first aid kit and cell phone or

citizens band radio.

Drive carefully. Do not take unneces-

sary risks by driving in dangerous areas or

over rough terrain.

Slow down and employ extra caution at

all times. When driving off-road, you will

not have the benefit of marked traffic

lanes, banked curves, traffic signs and the


Do not drive across steep slopes. In-

stead, drive either straight up or straight

down the slopes. A vehicle can much

more easily tip over sideways than it can

end over end. Avoid driving straight up or

down slopes that are too steep.

Avoid sharp turning maneuvers, espe-

cially at higher speeds.

Do not grip the inside or spokes of the

steering wheel. A bad bump could jerk the

wheel and injure your hands. Instead drive

Always maintain a safe driving

speed according to the road and

weather conditions in order to

avoid having an accident on a

sharp turn, during sudden braking

or under other similar conditions.
Always use the utmost care in

driving – overconfidence because

you are driving an All-Wheel Drive

vehicle could easily lead to a seri-

ous accident.

Do not drive on rough roads or over

curbs in a vehicle that has 17-inch or

other ultra-low-profile tires. The

wheels and tires could be damaged

by shock forces, leading to abnor-

mal vibration or poor straight-line

tracking. Driving would then be

more difficult.