Lenco TAB-1022 User Manual

Page 6

background image

1: View all applications
2: Shortcut to voice search
3: Google search
4: Return
5: Return to desktop
6: Select multitask
7: Volume Up
8: Volume Down
9: USB Connection indicator
10: SD card status
11: Time
12: 3G/WIFI status
13: Battery indicator

Locked screen

If there is no operation for a long time, or when you press the power key, the
enter standby mode. There are two standby
this mode, and if you press the button key, it will wake up and enter nap mode, as shown

in the picture. In this mode, click and hold

A\B\C positions will appear as sho
position, Unlock icon is at B position, and Google icon is at C position. The system will
prompt you the currently activated path, as shown in the picture, the ripples at B position
show the activated path. You can click and drag the Lock/unlock icon to B position to
unlock the screen, to A position to activate the camera, or to C position to activate Google



If there is no operation for a long time, or when you press the power key, the

There are two standby modes, one is sleep mode, the screen is off in

this mode, and if you press the button key, it will wake up and enter nap mode, as shown

in the picture. In this mode, click and hold Lock/unlock icon

, there identifiers at

positions will appear as shown in the picture. In this interface, Camera icon is at A

position, Unlock icon is at B position, and Google icon is at C position. The system will
prompt you the currently activated path, as shown in the picture, the ripples at B position

ed path. You can click and drag the Lock/unlock icon to B position to

unlock the screen, to A position to activate the camera, or to C position to activate Google

If there is no operation for a long time, or when you press the power key, the device will

modes, one is sleep mode, the screen is off in

this mode, and if you press the button key, it will wake up and enter nap mode, as shown

, there identifiers at

wn in the picture. In this interface, Camera icon is at A

position, Unlock icon is at B position, and Google icon is at C position. The system will
prompt you the currently activated path, as shown in the picture, the ripples at B position

ed path. You can click and drag the Lock/unlock icon to B position to

unlock the screen, to A position to activate the camera, or to C position to activate Google

This manual is related to the following products: