Appendix, Updating the firmware – Waldorf Rocket User Manual

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Rocket User´s Manual


Updating the Firmware

The Rocket has a service-friendly feature that makes it
possible to update the system software without changing
any parts.

All firmware updates come in the form of a standard
MIDI file that can be read by nearly any sequencer. The
fastest way to get this file is by downloading it from our
web site at:


Possibly there will be a .zip file containing the
new firmware as well as a manual addendum.

Updating Rocket’s firmware:

Load the respective Standard MIDI File into
your sequencer. Follow the instructions from
your sequencer’s manual.

The MIDI file consists of one single track
with several sysex messages in it. Make sure
that this track is assigned to the Rocket so
that it can receive the data.

Make sure that any Cycle or Loop mode is
switched off. Also make sure that any Met-
ronome clicks and MIDI Clock are switched

Start the sequencer playing the file, and
send the track data to the Rocket. The
Launch button will blink rapidly during this

After the file is received correctly, the Ro-
cket burns the new firmware into its Flash


You can perform a firmware update only via the
USB connection.


After a successfull firmware update, the Rocket
may perform an automatical filter calibration. Re-
duce the volume of your audio system to avoid


Don´t disconnect the Rocket and computer during
firmware upgrade process. If this happens, please
read the next chapter.