Envelope/boost section (env) – Waldorf Rocket User Manual

Page 19

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Sound Parameters


Rocket User´s Manual

You can bring more movement into the sound by modu-
lating the cutoff frequency via the LFO, the envelope or
the Keytrack parameter of the filter. At center position
(100% Keytracking) and maximum Resonance level,
the then self-oscillating filter can be played in a tempered


Resonance is the emphasis around the corner
frequency. Use lower values to give more
brilliance to a sound. At higher values a
sound gets the typical filter character with a
strong boost around the cutoff frequency.
When the setting is raised to maximum, the
filter starts to self-oscillate, generating a pure sine wave.
This feature can be used to create analog-style effects
and percussion, like electronic toms, kicks, zaps etc.

Env Mod

(= Envelope Mod Amount). Sets the amount
of influence the envelope has on the cutoff
frequency. For higher settings, the filter cutoff
frequency is increased by the modulation of
the envelope. Use this parameter to change
the timbre of the sound over time. Sounds with a hard

attack usually have a envelope amount that makes the
start phase bright and then closes the filter to get a darker
sustain phase.

By the way, the envelope amount also depends on the
played velocity. Use this feature to give a more expressi-
ve character to the sound. When you hit the keys
smoothly, only minimal modulation is applied. When
you hit them harder, the modulation amount also gets


If you want to process an external audio signal by
the Rocket´s filter, you should set the OSC switch
to Pulse and the Wave knob to minimum.

Envelope/Boost Section (ENV)

The Rocket offers two envelopes for filter and volume.
Both envelopes are using the same Decay and Release
settings. The filter envelope is using Decay/ Release