Waldorf Rocket User Manual
Page 22

Sound Parameters
Rocket User´s Manual
ARP activates the Arpeggiator. The LFO is auto-
matically deactivated in this setting.
If the Arpeggiator is selected, Glide is controlled
by the selected arpeggiator pattern.
Aftertouch (if your MIDI master keyboard is able
to send this data) is always routed to filter cutoff.
Depth/ Range
This knob offers two modes depending on
whether LFO or Arpeggiator is active.
When LFO is active, the knob controls the
modulation depth for the selected LFO
modulation. The basic principle: The higher
the values, the more intensive the LFO modulation.
Exception: If oscillator pitch is modulated, settings
between center and rightmost position will vary
the modulation depth in semitones.
When ARP mode is active, you can set the range of notes
in octaves with settings from leftmost to center position.
You can select up to 4 octaves. When it is set to 1 Octa-
ve, the note list will be played back in the same octave
as original. Higher settings mean that the note list is
repeated in higher or lower octaves.
From center to rightmost position, eight rhythmic patterns
can be selected.
The Shape/ Direction Switch
Square / Triangle /
Sawtooth / Diverse
This switch offers two modes depending on
whether LFO or Arpeggiator is active.
If LFO is selected, the switch sets the LFO
The Square shape can be interesting
for hard changes and special effects.
The Triangle shape is perfect for smooth pitch or
filter modulations.
The Saw (downwards) shape can generate interes-
ting filter changes.
For your information: Oscillator pitch modulation
by the LFO Square shape is unipolar. It oscillates
in only one direction.