The channels cymbal1, cymbal2, The channel clap – Vermona DRM1 MK2 User Manual
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The channels CYMBAL1, CYMBAL2
Each CYMBAL/HI HAT channel has four oscillators with square waveform and a noise generator. The proportion
between noise and the VCOs will be set with the MIX controller. The VCO signals will be filtered independent from
the settings of the controllers and they are tuned in a fixed proportion, the master tune can be set with the PITCH
parameter. The decay time of the oscillators and of the noise will be adjusted via the DECAY controller. There is
also an ATTACK parameter, which adds an impulse. This impulse is taken from one of the four oscillators and
passes an envelope with short decay. The level of the ATTACK impulse is independent of the MIX- and the
DECAY- position.All signals (noise, attack, oscillators) passes the low-pass filter with resonance, whose cut-off
frequency and resonance level will be set with the FILTER and RESONANCE parameter. BEND sets the amount
of the envelope (decay) to the cut-off frequency.
Control Features
DECAY: Decay time
FILTER: cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter
BEND: envelope amount to the pitch – 0 = off
ATTACK: Attack of the needle pulse
RESONANCE: resonance of the low-pass filter
MIX: proportion between noise and oscillators
TRIG Button
The sounds of the CYMBAL channels can be triggered in two different ways – as cymbal/open hat and as closed
hat. The closed hat has a fixed decay time, which is short and independent of the DECAY controller (in this mode
it has no function).Whenever the DRM1 MKII will be switched on, the TRIG button triggers the cymbal/open hat –
sound. For triggering the closed hat, the TRIG button must be pressed for about 2 seconds, the TRIG LED
flashes shortly and the sound will be heard. Now you can trigger the closed hat sound. For triggering the open
hat/cymbal sound, this procedure must be repeated. When controlling the DRM1 MKII via MIDI, every cymbal
channel has two separate note numbers, one for cymbal/open hat and one for closed hat.
The channel CLAP
The CLAP channel generates five irregular, consecutive needle pulses and noise. With CLAP, the speed of the
impulse sequence will be set. The NOISE parameter adds a noise to the signal. It’s also possible to add an reverb
effect, which is generated in the same way as in the snare channel, but independent of the snare channel. The
DECAY REV. controller is responsible for the decay time of the reverb; the REVERB controller sets the reverb
amount. All signals pass the filter. The FILTER controller sets the cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter and the
RESONANCE controller sets its resonance level. The HIGH PASS controller adjusts the cut-off frequency of the
high-pass filter.
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