Installation, Enable secure user accounts – UVP 81-0267-01 Doc-ItLS and VisionWorksLS Software User Manual

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NOTE: The term “LS Software,” referred to throughout this manual, pertains to both
VisionWorksLS and Doc-ItLS (Life Science) software packages.

1. Log on to the computer with an account that has administrative privileges. It is best if the

administrator is present during installation so that certain decisions may be made during
the installation process. These installation instructions will assume that the installer
has administrative privileges.

2. Check for the presence of existing UVP software from Control Panel > Add Remove

Programs. If a previous version of Life Sciences (LS) Software is loaded on the
computer, uninstall the previous version. Contact UVP for specific uninstallation

3. Insert the LS Software flash drive. Navigate to the Installation > Setup folder, then

double-click on the VisionWorksLS Setup.exe file.

4. Click to accept the license agreement and proceed through all of the software prompts

until a window appears which classifies the setup as a network or single access license.
Continue to Single-User instructions if LS Software will only be used on one computer, or
see Network-User instructions for a network-based LS Software installation.



This section will explain the necessary steps required to ensure users without Windows
Administrative permissions can open and use LS Software. If unsure whether full
administrative permissions are provided for computers, consult an IT professional.

1. Request a System Administrator to log into the Windows computer.

2. Open any file folder on the computer. Go to the Tools menu and select Folder Options.

A Folder Options window appears. On the View tab, select Show hidden files and
. Select Apply and then OK.

3. Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data or C:\Program

Data, depending upon operating system.

4. Go to the UVPSettings folder inside the Application Data or Program Data folder. Have

the System Administrator select Allow for all permissions listed for each user or group for
either the UVPSettings folder or for each file within the folder (depending on the Network
Security Policy where the LS Software will reside).

5. If using a 32-bit operating system (if not, proceed to the next step), repeat steps 3-4 for

the following folders: C:\Program Files\Common Files\UVP,
and C:\WINDOWS\system32\trdata.

6. If using a 64-bit operating system, repeat steps 3-4 for the following folders: C:\Program

Files (x86)\Common Files\UVP, C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\pvudata and




81-0266-01 Rev G
81-0267-01 Rev G