Test Products International 715 User Manual
Page 15

You can move through the following functions by pressing the Func/Backlight Key
At any time you can activate the Backlight by holding down the Func/Backlight Key for 2 seconds.
4.1 Function 1: - Gas Analysis
Ensure you have connected the Temperature Flue Sampling Probe complete with In-Line Filter
to the Gas Sample Port (see 2.2 or 2.4) and the ‘K’ Type Thermocouple Plug into Thermo-
couple (ch1) Socket (see 2.4). as well as the ‘K’ Type wire probe for measuring the combus-
tion air temperature into ch2 socket (see 2.4).
WARNING: - Ensure that the In-Line Filter hangs in a vertical position whilst readings are being
taken, particularly if water is visible. Failure to comply may result in damage to the instrument.
WARNING: - There is ONLY one correct way to connect the ‘K’ type thermocouple plug into the
socket (see 2.4). Forcing the plug into the socket the wrong way round may result in damage to the
You can move through the following Screens by pressing the Scroll/Enter Key: -
4.1.1 Screen 1
Displays Carbon Monoxide (CO) reading in percent (%)
Displays calculated Carbon Dioxide (CO
) figure in percentage (%)
(Ratio) figure
4.1.2 Screen 2
Displays Oxygen (O
) reading in percentage (%)
Displays calculated Excess Air (X Air) figure in percentage (%)
Displays calculated Efficiency (Eff.) figure in percentage (%)
Pressing the Up Arrow Key will toggle between Gross & Nett Efficiency
4.1.3 Screen 3
Displays Carbon Monoxide (CO) reading in parts per million (ppm)
) reading in percentage (%)
Displays NOx reading in parts per million (ppm)
4.1.4 Screen 4
Displays Temperature reading of Channel 1 (ch1) in degrees Centigrade (ºC)
Displays Temperature reading of Channel 2 (ch2) in degrees Centigrade (ºC)
Displays the Differential Temperature (Diff.) between ch1 and ch2 in ºC
‘oPEn’ will be displayed if no ‘K’ type probe is connected to the thermocouple socket
4.1.5 Screen 5
Displays NO readings in parts per million (ppm)
Displays NOx readings in parts per million (ppm)
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