Test Products International 715 User Manual
Page 11

Press the Print Key once
‘Print & IR’ will be displayed on the top line along with ‘Stor’ flashing on the screen with
“REAL” also on the display.
You can choose to print stored readings which have been already saved (Stor) or select “REAL” by
pushing the up arrow button so that the “REAL” is flashing you can print the current realtime readins
on the display.
Press the Scroll/Enter Key once
‘Addr SA ’ will be displayed and a location number from 0 to 9 will be flashing.
Select the required address location that you wish to print the saved data from by pressing
the Up and Down Arrow Keys
Press the Scroll/Enter Key once
‘Print, Wait, Send & IR’ will be displayed on the top line along with ‘out’ on the screen
WARNING: - To operate correctly there must be a clear line of sight between the Infrared Window
on the instrument (see 2.3) and the Infrared Window on the IR Printer (see Printer instructions)
After all the saved data has been sent to the printer ‘End’ will be displayed with ‘YES’ flashing
Press the Scroll/Enter Key once to EXIT
Press the Up or Down Arrow Keys
‘End’ will be displayed with ‘no’ flashing
Press the Scroll/Enter Key once to CHOOSE another address location to print and repeat
steps 2 to 4
4.2 Function 2: - Temperature Reading
Ensure you have a ‘K’ type probe connected to one or both of the thermocouple sockets ch1
or ch2 (see 4.2)
WARNING: - There is ONLY one correct way around to connect the ‘K’ type thermocouple plug into
the socket (see 4.2). Forcing the plug into the socket the wrong way round may result in damage to
the instrument.
The pump will stop running when in this function
4.2.1 Screen 1
Pressing the Up Arrow Key will toggle between ºC and ºF
Displays Temperature reading of Channel 1 (ch1) in degrees Centigrade (ºC) or degrees Fahrenheit (ºF)
Displays Temperature reading of Channel 2 (ch2) in degrees Centigrade (ºC) or degrees Fahrenheit (ºF)
Pressing the Scroll/Enter Key will toggle the Differential Temperature ON and OFF
Displays the Differential Temperature (Diff.) between ch1 and ch2 in ºC or ºF
‘oPEn’ will be displayed if no ‘K’ type probe is connected to the thermocouple socket