Alarm notification – StorCase Technology InfoMon User Manual

Page 43

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D89-0000-0106 Rev. F01

StorCase Technology, Inc.

InfoMon Web-based Monitoring Utility


Alarm Notification


Alarm notification window will continue to display until problem is resolved.

In addition to the audible alarm, InfoMon will also notify the user of any alarm events via
pop-up window (Figure 32).

Click OK to close window and review the cause of alarm by viewing the Module Alarm Status
Screen. The user can view the Module Alarm Status Screen (Figure 32) in two ways:


By double-clicking on Module Alarm Status located in the InfoMon.exe window
(Figure 1).


By clicking on Enclosure Status located on the Main Screen (Figure 18).

Refer to section "Module Alarm Status" for further information.

Figure 32: Alarm Notification Pop-Up Window