Speck Electronics ASC User Manual

Page 12

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The front and rear panels are a high quality painted surface and the panel
lettering is applied using a silkscreen printing technique.

To clean the front or rear panel, wipe the surface gently using a soft lint-
free cloth to avoid scratching the panel or markings. Paper towels are
not recommended. Commercially available window cleaner solutions
may be used; however, the solution should be applied to the cloth and
not the panel to avoid the seepage of liquid to the inside of the

The following information is provided as a general guide for
repackaging your Model ASC for shipment. If you have any questions,
contact Speck Electronics at +760-723-4281.

If the product is to be shipped to Speck Electronics for service or repair,
attach a tag to the product identifying the owner and indicating the
service or repair to be accomplished. Include the model number and
serial number of the product. Place the product in the original container
if available. If the original container in not available, a suitable one can
be purchased from Speck Electronics.

If the original container is not used, wrap the product in heavy plastic
before placing in an inner container. Use plenty of packing material
around all sides of the product and protect panel faces with cardboard
strips. Mark shipping container with "Delicate Instrument" or "Fragile",
and insure the shipment for the proper amount.

Note: Speck Electronics cannot be responsible for equipment that
arrives damaged or uninsured.

The ASC is a very flexible product and there are many places it may be
interfaced - too many to enumerate in the manual. Virtually any line
level signal may be connected to the inputs and outputs of the Model
ASC; Synths and samplers, mixing consoles (patch points, line inputs/
outputs effects sends/returns), multitrack DAT recorders, hard disk
recorders, analog tape recorders, cassette recorders, CD players, and
external mike preamps.

A basic rule to follow is that inputs always connect to outputs, and
outputs always connect to inputs. This rule applies regardless of the
type or brand of product that is interfaced to the ASC. Each
manufacturer may have their own recommendation for interfacing to
external equipment.



Repacking For Shipment

Interfacing to the
Model ASC

Chapter 2 Installation Section