Usb-nstep instructions – Rigel Systems usb-nSTEP User Manual

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usb-nSTEP Instructions

Copyright Rigel Systems 2010

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Focuser Settings

Maximum Position: Value is used by the
Absolute Focuser Type (see below).
Maximum Increment: Maximum number of
“steps” to send to the nSTEP at one time.
Generally used to limits the number of “moves”
an ASCOM autofocus application can execute
during each call to the usb-nSTEP ASCOM
Step Time On (ms):
Sets the duration of a
“step”. Valid range is 1-250 ms.

Focuser Type


Select Absolute Focuser Type, rack

focuser all the way in (to 'Home') and then press
Reset Position. The gcusb-nSTEP software will
will set the racked-all-the-way-in position to
00000. Absolute Focuser Type limits focuser
position to between 00000 and Maximum
in ASCOM applications.
Relative: Does not enforce limits on focuser
position. Uses Maximum Position value to set
the current position to half the max position
value, when you press Reset Position.
Reverse Direc: Reverse In/Out directions to
reflect peculiarities of focusers and focus motors.
Half Step: Energizes 1 or two coils at a time,
doubling step resolution.
Full Torque: Highest power mode, two coils
always energized.
Coils Off: Turn coils off after stepping to save
power and reduce heating of the stepper motor.
Only use with a gear-head stepper a non-
gearhead stepper may slip lifting heavy loads

Phase Select: set to 0 for usb-nSTEP. Can be
used for any possible the phase wirings. Allow a
person to wire the phases in any order then
chose one of 3 settings in software to drive them.

Reset Position

Press to set the current focuser position to zero.


Toggles between displaying the Advanced (full
screen as shown at left) or Basic setup (only
upper half of screen)


Cancel setup changes and, return to the control


Apply all changes to setup and return to control


Temperature Sensor Detected: If temperature
probe is attached this box will be 'checked' and
enable other menu items.
Temperature Compensation: Enable automatic
temperature compensation. Manual movement is
disabled ‪If "Apply Backlash on Temp Comp" is
chekced then apply backlash if moving "IN", else
if moving "OUT"


Current Temperature: As read from
temperature probe (if attached).
Delta T:
For a change of Delta T, move
Number of “steps” to move if
"Delta T" temperature change is detected
Check box to report temperature in
Centigrade, otherwise temperature will be
displayed in Farenheit.
Comp Backlash: Move this number of pulses to
compensate for backlash in DC motor gears.
# readings to average: Read the temperature
probe this number of times, average the
readings, and display the result as the
temperature and use when applying temperature

5 Year limited warranty: Rigel Systems,
26850 Basswood Ave, Rancho Palos Verdes
CA, 90275
warrants to the original consumer
purchaser of its product that the product will be
free of defects in material or workmanship 5
years from the date of purchase under normal
use. During this warranty period, Rigel
will, at its option, repair or replace the
product without charge for parts or labor when
delivered to Rigel Systems with proof of the
date of purchase and a statement of the
problem with the product. Shipping and
handling charges to Rigel Systems are your
responsibility. This warranty does not apply if
the product has been altered or repaired by
anyone other than Rigel Systems or has been
subjected to purchaser abuse, accident,
negligence or damage subsequent to purchase
including battery damage to product. This
warranty excludes incidental or consequential
damages resulting from the product or use of
the product. The product is not a toy. Keep
away from children.

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