Rigel Systems nFOCUS User Manual

Focus Motor Controller
On/off: Push slide switch to left to turn on (indicator
LED will light), right to turn.
Low Speed Operation: Press either button for
High Speed Operation: Press either button for
direction and, while holding it down, press the other
button for high speed in that direction.
Low Speed Selection: The inner white knob adjust
pulse width (how long the motor is on) while the
outer knob adjusts pulse interval (the pause
between pulses). Low speed can be set to either
step mode, or continuous mode by adjusting the two
white knobs on the front.
Step Mode: Turn both white knobs fully
counterclockwise. The motor will pulse in long,
intermittent steps. Adjust the inner white knob
(pulse width) clockwise to shorten the length of the
steps. Adjust the outer white knob (pulse interval)
to shorten the pause between steps.
Continuous Mode: Turn inner white knob (pulse
width) fully clockwise, outer white knob (pulse
interval) fully couterclockwise. Motor will turn very
slowly. Turn outer white knob (pulse interval)
clockwise to increase low speed. Turn inner white
knob (pulse width) slightly to increase power to
Focus Motor Controller
On/off: Push slide switch to left to turn on (indicator
LED will light), right to turn.
Low Speed Operation: Press either button for
High Speed Operation: Press either button for
direction and, while holding it down, press the other
button for high speed in that direction.
Low Speed Selection: The inner white knob adjust
pulse width (how long the motor is on) while the
outer knob adjusts pulse interval (the pause
between pulses). Low speed can be set to either
step mode, or continuous mode by adjusting the two
white knobs on the front.
Step Mode: Turn both white knobs fully
counterclockwise. The motor will pulse in long,
intermittent steps. Adjust the inner white knob
(pulse width) clockwise to shorten the length of the
steps. Adjust the outer white knob (pulse interval)
to shorten the pause between steps.
Continuous Mode: Turn inner white knob (pulse
width) fully clockwise, outer white knob (pulse
interval) fully couterclockwise. Motor will turn very
slowly. Turn outer white knob (pulse interval)
clockwise to increase low speed. Turn inner white
knob (pulse width) slightly to increase power to
Focus Motor Controller
On/off: Push slide switch to left to turn on (indicator
LED will light), right to turn.
Low Speed Operation: Press either button for
High Speed Operation: Press either button for
direction and, while holding it down, press the other
button for high speed in that direction.
Low Speed Selection: The inner white knob adjust
pulse width (how long the motor is on) while the
outer knob adjusts pulse interval (the pause
between pulses). Low speed can be set to either
step mode, or continuous mode by adjusting the two
white knobs on the front.
Step Mode: Turn both white knobs fully
counterclockwise. The motor will pulse in long,
intermittent steps. Adjust the inner white knob
(pulse width) clockwise to shorten the length of the
steps. Adjust the outer white knob (pulse interval)
to shorten the pause between steps.
Continuous Mode: Turn inner white knob (pulse
width) fully clockwise, outer white knob (pulse
interval) fully couterclockwise. Motor will turn very
slowly. Turn outer white knob (pulse interval)
clockwise to increase low speed. Turn inner white
knob (pulse width) slightly to increase power to