Other vessel head fittings, Safety rupture disc, Type j thermocouple – Parr Instrument Series 5500 User Manual

Page 11: Pressure gage, Accessories, Liners, Spare parts kit, Compact mini bench top reactors

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Compact Mini Bench Top Reactors

w w w . p a r r i n s t . c o m



Safety Rupture Disc

There is a safety rupture disc attached to the head
which is intended to rupture and release the pres-
sure before it reaches a dangerous level. A metal
tag wired to the safety head identifies the burst
pressure at room temperature for that particular
disc. A similar tag is furnished with each replace-
ment disc. This tag must remain with the apparatus
at all times so that both present and future opera-
tors will be aware of the disc rating. Users should
read the discussion of rupture discs given in the
Operating Instruction No. 231M for a complete
description of the characteristics of rupture discs
and the precautions to be observed when operating
pressure equipment protected by this type of safety

A typical pre-bulged disc can be used to 90% of the
rating on the tag. For additional protection, the user
should install an adequate and safe venting system
for removing any toxic, flammable or volatile ma-
terials which would be released if the rupture disc
should burst. A connector for attaching 3/8" OD
tubing to the discharge port of the rupture disc is
provided for this purpose.

Type J Thermocouple

A Type J Thermocouple in a 1/8" diameter Stainless
steel sheath is installed in each reactor. In reac-
tors made of alloys other than stainless steel, the
stainless thermocouple is installed in a thermowell
made of the same alloy as the vessel. Connect the
thermocouple to the socket on the rear panel of the
temperature controller using the A470E2 extension
wire furnished with the reactor.

Pressure Gage

The pressure gage furnished with this reactor has
a T316 Stainless Steel Bourdon tube. Gages are
furnished in a variety of ranges to meet individual
needs. Typically, the gage and the rupture disc are
furnished as matched ranges. For applications
where a gage is selected with a range under 1000
psi, a relief valve is added and set to protect the
gage. A 1000 psi rupture disc is installed as the fail-
safe vessel protection.

For highly corrosive applications where the vapor
phase might corrode the stainless Bourdon tube,
Parr offers isolator assemblies in a variety of materi-
als. These isolators with their internal piston isolate
the vapors from the gage.



Glass or PTFE liners can be furnished to fit most
Parr reactors. These liners slide into the cylinder.
Although they will not keep corrosive vapors from
reaching the surfaces of the cylinder and head, they
make it much easier to add and remove liquid reac-
tants, and they give some protection to the cylinder
when working with corrosive solutions. It must be
noted, however, that adding a PTFE liner will slow
the heat transfer rate into the vessel, and it may be
necessary to adjust the temperature control method
to prevent overheating.

Liner Part Numbers

Fits ID Cylinder


Glass Liner

PTFE Liner


100 mL




160 mL




300 mL




450 mL




600 mL



Spare Parts Kit

Spare parts kits are available for these reactors. The
kits will provide a reserve supply of parts and tools
sufficient to handle most normal replacements and
emergency repairs during a year of heavy usage.
The kits contain small perishable items required for
continuous operation including gaskets, bushings,
rupture discs and seals. They can be ordered from
any Parr Dealer or direct from the Parr Instrument
Company. The order must specify the reactor size
and indicate type of rupture disc, stirrer drive and
whether it has a flat-gasket or O-ring closure. It is
most advantageous to provide the complete vessel
serial number from the head or cylinder. (See Tech-

nical Support section on page 15 for more info).