En flying tips and repairs – ParkZone PKZU2180 User Manual

Page 13

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Flying Tips and Repairs


decrease throttle at

propeller strike.



We recommend fl ying your Spitfi re outside in no
greater than moderate winds or inside in a large
gymnasium. Always avoid fl ying near houses,
trees, wires and buildings. You should also be
careful to avoid fl ying in areas where there are
many people, such as busy parks, schoolyards, or
soccer fi elds. Consult local laws and ordinances
before choosing a location to fl y your aircraft.


Place the Spitfi re in position for takeoff (facing into
the wind if fl ying outdoors). Gradually increase
the throttle to full and steer with the rudder. Pull
back gently with the elevator and climb to check
trim. Once the trim is adjusted, begin exploring the
fl ight envelope of the Spitfi re.


Make sure to land into the wind. Fly the aircraft
to approximately 6 inches (15cm) or less above
the runway, using a small amount of throttle for
the entire descent. Keep the throttle on until the
aircraft is ready to fl are. During fl are, keep the
wings level and the aircraft pointed into the wind.
Gently lower the throttle while pulling back on the
elevator to set the aircraft gently on the ground.

Failure to lower the throttle
stick and trim to the lowest
possible positions during a
crash could result in damage
to the ESC in the receiver unit,
which may require replacement.

NOTICE: Crash damage is not
covered under warranty.

Over Current Protection

The Spitfi re is equipped with Over Current
Protection (OCP). OCP protects the ESC from
overheating and stops the motor when the
transmitter throttle is set too high and the
propeller cannot turn. OCP will only activate when
the throttle is positioned just above 1/2 throttle.
After the ESC stops the motor, fully lower the
throttle to re-arm the ESC.


Repair the Spitfi re using foam-compatible CA
glue (Cyanoacrylate adhesive) or clear tape. Only
use foam-compatible CA glue, as other types of
glue can damage the foam. When parts are not
repairable, see the Replacement Parts List for
ordering by item number.

NOTICE: Use of foam-compatible CA accelerant on
your aircraft can damage paint. DO NOT handle the
aircraft until accelerant fully dries.

For a listing of all replacement and optional parts,
refer to the list at the back of this manual.