Stock control throw – ParkZone PKZ3680 User Manual
Page 11

Stock Control Throw
Aileron (+/– 1mm): 7mm up/down 5mm up/down
Elevator (+/– 1mm): 7mm up/down 5mm up/down
Rudder (+/– 2mm): 10mm left/right 6mm left/right
CG: 35mm from leading edge of wing at the fuselage
Note: Throws above are measured at the widest point.
Out of the box the ailerons are set at the lower travel setting on the
aileron bellcrank. To increase the aileron travel, first cut through the decal
on one side of the airplane. Open the top of the airplane and locate the
aileron bellcrank.
The servo pushrod is in the outer hole of the aileron bellcrank.
To increase the aileron throw, gently pull up on the pushrod to disengage the
pushrod from the outer hole and move to the inner hole on the bellcrank.
Replace the tape on the fuselage. The airplane is now set for maximum
aileron throw using 100% ATV on the transmitter. To increase rudder and
elevator throw, move the pushrods to the inner holes on the control horn one
hole at a time and fly the airplane to get used to the increased throw of the
control surfaces.
Note: Do not set your transmitter ATV over 100%. If the ATV is set
over 100% it is possible to overdrive the servo and cause
damage to it.