ParkZone PKZ1800 User Manual
Page 5

1. Turn on the transmitter.
2. Install a fully charged battery into the battery
compartment and secure it with the included hook
and loop strap.
3. Set the elevator trim lever to center.
4. Make certain the elevator is set to neutral with the
horizontal stabilizer. Do this by removing the clevis
from the control horn and turning it on the pushrod
as needed. Once the adjustment is made, reattach
the clevis.
5. If you feel more adjustments are necessary while in
flight, move the trim lever on the transmitter a few
“clicks” up or down as needed.
Warning: Keep everything clear of the propeller
before starting the motor test; so you do not damage
any property or harm anyone.
1. Make sure the throttle slider is in the “off” position.
2. Turn on the transmitter.
3. Plug the flight battery into the lead inside the
4. Secure the battery inside the fuselage cavity by
looping the hook and loop straps around the
5. Your P-51D Mustang has a built-in throttle
arming feature that must sense the throttle slider in
the “off” position before it will spin the
propeller. Advance the throttle forward and the
propeller should spin at a high speed. The throttle
slider needs to be in the “off” position each time
the battery is plugged into the airplane.
Making Trim Adjustments to the Horizontal Stabilizer
Motor Test
Control Test
Follow this step each time you need to turn the
airplane off. When finished with the motor test, be
sure to disconnect the battery first, and then turn
off the transmitter. Each time you use your airplane
you should always place the throttle in the “off”
position, and then turn on the transmitter and plug
the battery pack into the lead from the fuselage.
7. Make any trim adjustments, as necessary, prior to
flight (see Making Trim Adjustments to the
Horizontal Stabilizer and Making Adjustments to
the Ailerons).
Throttle Lever
Alieron Reverse Switch
Aileron/Elevator Lever
Elevator Trim Lever
Aileron Trim Lever
Note: Transmitter above reflects Mode 2 only
Note: If ailerons or elevator are reversed simply
move the reversing switch on the front face of the
5. Pull the stick back and the elevator control surface
should move upward.
Warning: Keep everything clear of the propeller
before starting the control test in the event that you
accidentally turn on the motor.
1. Be certain that the throttle slider is in the “off”
position and that both trim levers are centered.
2. Switch on the transmitter and check to make sure
the LED is lit, indicating the transmitter has power.
3. Install the flight battery into the fuselage and plug it
into the battery connector.
4. Move the stick from side to side. The ailerons on
the trailing edge of the wings should move per your
transmitter input. When the stick is pushed to the
right, the right aileron should deflect upward and
the left aileron downward, and vice versa.