LINK Systems OmniLink 5000 User Manual
Page 58

April 17, 2000
Man ual Revisio n 1.0
although ease of installation usually dictates mounting the strain gauges on the uprights. On solid frame
straight side machines, the uprights are also the best strain gauge locations.
The best strain gauge locations are below gibs and at least 12 inches above where the upright joins the
machine bed. Locating the strain gauge in the gib region can cause excessive bending moments to be
translated through the gibs into the upright as the slide tries to "cock" for some conditions of eccentric
loading. Locations too near the bottom of the upright may produce a nonuniform strain field. Do not
mount strain gauges on any side of an upright that has a tie rod access opening. When holes are present
in the desired upright mounting location, avoid mounting strain gauges any closer than three diameters
of the hole directly above or below the hole or any closer than one diameter of the hole to the side of the
hole. Don't mount strain gauges in recessed panel areas in uprights.
Figure 7.3:
Straight Side Machine
Stay away from corners of uprights as strain gauge mounting locations. The best locations on the
upright for strain gauges on machines of tie rod construction are generally on the centerline of the tie
rod. Avoid any mounting locations where uprights have internal reinforcements or other change of
section. Insofar as possible, strain gauges should be mounted in conditions of geometric symmetry on
uprights and at the same vertical height on each upright. Figure 7.3 illustrates mounting locations for
straight side machines of tie rod construction.