Virtual phlebotomy, Benefits and learning objectives, Benefits, learning objectives & features – Laerdal Virtual Phlebotomy User Manual

Page 15: Directions for use

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Benefits and Learning Objectives


Virtual Phlebotomy

Directions for Use

o Focus on the last 10, 25, or 50 cases to understand current problems areas.

o Identify specifi c skill weaknesses across a number of completed cases.

2.5 Simulation Features

Force feedback (Haptic) simulation allows users to feel the “pop” of venipuncture, as well as
the sponginess of veins when palpating.

Skin and vein puncture forces depends on the model and the case scenario, as well as the
location and size of the vein.

Vein palpation strength depends on the size and depth of the vein, as well as the model and
specifi c case scenario.

• Veins that are not visible may still be palpable.

Over two dozen pieces of equipment and a number of procedure steps specifi c to phleboto-
my add depth, understanding, and a sense of immersion to the simulation experience:

• Hand washing and gloves are included for proper aseptic technique.

Different gauges of multi-sample needles must be chosen based on the site and the specifi c
case scenario requirements.

• Tubes with different additives must be attached in the proper draw order.

• A tube tray is provided to store your empty tubes and acquired specimens.

• Sharps, Bio-Hazard and Trash Containers can be selected for proper equipment disposal.

Three different site cleansers must be used appropriately for the case scenario and specimen
being acquired; Chlorhexidine Wipe, Alcohol Wipe, Povidine Iodine swab.

• Site must be properly dressed with either an adhesive dressing or tape and gauze.

12 different tubes (6 different additives, 2 draw sizes) with confi gurable colors for specifi c

A Pop-Up tube reference chart identifi es the tests, and appropriate tubes, tube order, and
tube additives.

• Correct equipment behavior and equipment failure simulation

o Tourniquet application engorges the distal veins.

o Apply pressure to the site with gauze while removing the needle.

o Vacuum loss if specimen tube is attached to needle when needle is outside the skin.

o Tube fi ll rate depends on the case scenario.

o Applying a warm compress to the site will engorge the veins if applied for long enough.

• Proper Tube mixing; learner must invert the specimen tubes for proper mixing.

• Tube labeling includes specifi c handling and labeling instructions for each specimen.

Benefits, Learning Objectives

& Features

Virtual Phlebotomy

Directions for Use