Virtual phlebotomy, Benefits and learning objectives, Benefits, learning objectives & features – Laerdal Virtual Phlebotomy User Manual

Page 14: Directions for use

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Benefits and Learning Objectives


Virtual Phlebotomy

Directions for Use

• Printable debriefi ngs allow students to document their progress.

Full integration with the Laerdal Competence Management System allows students to remote-
ly review progress and understand problem areas.

2.4 Overall Features

Conforms to and trains all of the protocols, guidelines and procedure steps developed by
CLSI (Clinical Laboratory and Standards Institute) and OSHA (Occupational Safety and
Health Administration) for a complete understanding of phlebotomy for safe venous specimen
acquisition and accurate laboratory results.

• 57 Unique Case Scenarios focus on specifi c learning objectives

Over 20 case scenario and site specifi c simulation variables add realism and variability to the

• Case scenario specifi c debriefi ngs provide accurate and relevant post-procedure feedback.

• 27 practice cases with previews of the patient arm can be accessed directly.

• 3 Level Competency Training with cognitive tests and remediation

More advanced levels include additional complications such as vein collapse and provide less
guidance on proper tube selection and draw order.

• Cognitive questions follow training guidelines for novice and expert users.

29 unique patient models range in age from pediatric to geriatric and encompass the variabil-
ity of human ethnicity, anatomy and physiology.

• Each model presents different challenges and characteristics in the context of phlebotomy.

4 available vein access sites per patient including the left and right antecubital, and the left and
right Dorsal Hand (including Medial Wrist).

A 3D interactive Anatomical Viewer presents pronated and supinated arm models that can be
selectively dissected to reveal underlying anatomical structures to provide comprehensive and
intuitive learning of relevant anatomy.

A comprehensive phlebotomy procedure training video covers the complete process of phle-
botomy by venous access; including patient and site preparation, proper procedure, complica-
tions, causes of pre-analytical errors, etc.

• A system tutorial video trains the learner to use the Virtual Phlebotomy system.

The Competency Review structure records student progress during competency training and
provides insight into learner training progress.

o View individual case scenarios and cognitive test debriefi ngs.

o Print individual case scenarios and cognitive test debriefi ngs.

o View a learning curve for learner competency training.

Benefits, Learning Objectives

& Features