Virtual i.v, 9 frequently asked questions (faq) – Laerdal Virtual IV User Manual

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1. Is there some kind of an introduction that shows me how to use this product?

The System Tutorial Video, accessible from the Main Menu, will show you how to use the product, along
with the text in this user manual. To access the Main Menu login as:

Username: demouser1 or demouser2



2. Can the instructor select specifi c supplies and confi gure the training standards?

Yes, in the Administrator Module, certain supplies and assessment features are confi gurable.

3. Our local standards of practice do not call for, or restrict the use of certain

items that are available on the equipment screen or are required for successful
completion of the procedure, such as the use of goggles or application of iodine
to the arm.

Many options are configurable by the instructor using the Configuration section of the Instructor mod-
ule. By turning specific assessment items on or off, it is possible to tailor the system to train to your
local protocols.

4. Are there different types of I.V. solutions to choose from?

Not in the current product.

5. Can I fl ush the I.V. line and set the drip rate?

Although you can fl ush the I.V. line, setting the drip rate is not supported.

6. Why can’t I continue to palpate the vein as I’m inserting the needle?

Proper I.V. insertion technique specifies simultaneous skin stretch and insertion. Thus, unless you have a
helper, simultaneous skin stretch, palpation and insertion would require more then two hands. How-
ever, if you do palpate, you will palpate approximately ½” proximal to the insertion site. Furthermore,
palpation after site cleansing will contaminate the venipuncture site and may cause infection.

7. Is there audio feedback… like the patient saying something or making a noise

when I stick him?

No, it was felt by the clinical design team that this could become annoying to the user over multiple

cases, although in future versions of the product audio such as this may become a confi gurable option.



Virtual I.V.

Directions for Use