Virtual i.v, Training sequence – Laerdal Virtual IV User Manual

Page 60

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Training Sequence


Virtual I.V.

Directions for Use

Using the Haptic Device

To insert the needle, palpate, apply pressure or stretch the skin, perform the function on the haptic
device in the corresponding area.

Needle insertion: To perform the needle insertion, select a needle from the toolbar. Move the needle
cursor to the desired location on the site and click. Then, insert the real needle into the haptic device.

Note: Before performing the needle insertion, it is necessary to engage the haptic device needle in
the haptic device. Insert the needle into the Needle Insertion Point on the haptic device until the nee-
dle on the screen lights up. You will feel a small tug and hear a sound when the haptic device engages.

Applying Pressure: you can apply pressure to it by pressing the palpation/pressure application area of
the haptic device.

Click on the palpation icon to turn palpation on. A palpation finger will attach to the cursor. Move
fingers to the simulation window, click on the site to locate the palpation point. To turn palpation off,
click on palpation or select another piece of equipment.

Equipment Use: Specific

To apply tape or dressing, click on the corresponding icon, move to site and click on desired location.

To place the tourniquet, click on the corresponding tool bar icon, move to arm and click on desired

To use an alcohol wipe, chlorhexidine wipe or povidone iodine swab, click on the corresponding icon
on the toolbar and move to the desired site on the arm. Once at the desired site, click, hold and
move the mouse to cleanse the site. Release mouse button when cleansing is complete.

Procedure Tasks: Specific

To palpate, identify the patient, wash your hands, inform the patient of the procedure, warn the
patient of the stick, or view a video about site orientation, click on the corresponding icon on the left
edge of the simulation window.

Once you have completed the procedure, advance to the next screen to review your