Virtual i.v, Benefits, learning objectives and features, Directions for use – Laerdal Virtual IV User Manual
Page 13

Benefits, learning objectives
and features
Virtual I.V.
Directions for Use
12. Procedure Simulation
fl ushing and extension tubing application.
Extension tubing and locks are automatically fl ushed prior to application and come with the fl ush
attached. This allows for proper line setup and fl uid administration.
c. C-band can be removed while the needle is inserted in the site, as may be the
standard for some practitioners.
d. Flash visible along catheter (confi gurable based on the type of catheter used).
13. Anatomical Viewer
a. Anatomical viewer with stage loading reduces wait times.
Debriefi ng
a. More comprehensive debriefi ng ensures the learner performs the procedure
correctly, or is negatively assessed.
b. More error animations and vignettes that are more directly tied to specifi c errors.
c. Assessment of equipment usage, complications and procedure tasks.
15. Increased Instructor Confi gurability
Many confi gurable items tailor the product to either the Pre-Hospital, In-Hospital or
Military environment and allow the instructor to confi gure the product to meet their local require-
16. Haptic Device Calibration by the user
confi gured by the instructor, the user will be allowed to calibrate the haptic device.
17. Improved Case Scenario presentation with patient image and vital signs.