Virtual i.v – Laerdal Virtual IV User Manual

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The Virtual I.V. Self-Directed Learning System provides a comprehensive environment for training in
the placement of peripheral intravenous catheters. It trains a broad range of cognitive and psychomo-
tor skills in I.V. insertion, based both on practice patient case scenarios, and a competency training
mode where the student can climb the ladder of I.V. expertise.

The general training objectives are conceptually illustrated in the Figure below. As part of our task
analysis of needle insertion tasks and related critique of existing training technologies, we noted that
existing technologies are severely limited in terms of their training potential. Thus, other I.V. training
simulators are only capable of providing trainees with the most basic of needle insertion skills. This is
illustrated by the lower of the two learning curves presented in the Figure below, which achieves a rel-
atively low level of skill. As a result, the value of this system to customers would seem to be severely
limited, as experienced and advanced medical personnel have nothing to gain by using it.

In contrast, the Virtual I.V. Self-Directed Learning System provides a system to customers that will
take learners much further through the needle insertion “skill space”. By providing intermediate and
advanced skill level learners with the opportunity to practice procedures in the presence of realistic
complications, the product provides them the opportunity to practice techniques and, more impor-
tantly, refine the necessary decision-making skills needed to successfully complete more complex
venous access tasks.

Benefits, learning objectives

and features


Virtual I.V.

Directions for Use