Laerdal HeartCode ACLS 2010 User Manual
Page 12

ACLS Administrators Guide
ACLS Administrators Guide
Verifying the HeartCode ACLS System version
Be aware that the verification described here uses up one
license, so be sure to use an actual username. You can use the
complimentary test license keys found under the DVDs in the
DVD cases or that came with your upgrade letter.
To verify that Part 1 (Cognitive) is working, please follow these
1. Create a user in the Laerdal License Server.
2. Go to a PC which will be used to connect to
HeartCode ACLS Part 1.
3. Log in and begin navigating through the program.
Log out.
4. Go to a new PC and connect to HeartCode ACLS
Part 1.
5. Log in and check that you are taken to the same
point in the program as you reached above.
To verify that Parts 2 and 3 (Skills Practice and Testing) are
working, please follow these steps:
6. Go to the PC with HeartCode ACLS Parts 2 and 3
skills software and adult manikin installed.
7. Create a user in the Laerdal License Server (or, if
applicable, use the same login as created in
step 1).
8. Log in to HeartCode ACLS and start the skills
portion. Verify that you can access the voice-
assisted adult manikin assessments.
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