Laerdal HeartCode ACLS 2010 User Manual
Page 10

ACLS Administrators Guide
ACLS Administrators Guide
supply forgotten password information and send
certificates by e-mail.
8. Next you will be asked to provide the License
Server IP address.
Be aware that you will not be able to use
HeartCode ACLS if the Laerdal License Server is
not available or has run out of licenses.
Enter the IP address and click the “Test
connection” button.
a. If successful, then proceed with the
steps below.
b. If not successful, consult the
“Troubleshooting” section below.
9. Next you must provide the installation path.
10. Before finishing you will see a status screen
informing about what changes will be done to the
11. After the installation has finished, you should test
that the ACLS application is working properly.
a. Go to any PC that will be used to
connect to HeartCode ACLS.**
b. Open Internet Explorer and enter the
address created in step 6.
c. The HeartCode ACLS program
should open up in your Internet
d. If desired, you can create a shortcut
on your desktop to the website. This
is done by copying the shortcut in the
start menu to the desktop.
* The HeartCode ACLS application requires either IIS or Apache
installed on the server to serve the program. If you do not already
have one of these loaded, the installation program will install
Apache and configure it automatically.
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