Prohibited acid use – Labconco TXE Tall XPerEnclosure 3892022 User Manual
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Chapter 5: Using Your TXE
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Final Purging
Upon completion of work, the enclosure should be allowed to operate for
two to three minutes undisturbed, to purge airborne contaminants from the
work area before shutting down the blower.
Unloading Materials and Equipment
Objects in contact with contaminated material should be surface
decontaminated before removal from the enclosure.
HEPA Filter Applications, Suitability and Guidelines
The HEPA TXE provides personal and environmental protection from
particulate matter, hazardous powders and biohazardous materials. Because
room air is drawn through the enclosure during operation, this enclosure
should not be used for operations requiring sample protection from
environmental contamination.
HEPA filters are only effective for entrapment of particulate matter, hazardous
powders and biohazardous materials. Manipulations that generate gases or
vapors, i.e., toxic chemicals or radionuclides, require the use of a HEPA and
carbon filter. The surface of the HEPA filter is fragile and should not be
touched. Care must be taken to avoid puncturing the HEPA filter during
installation. If you suspect that a HEPA filter has been damaged, DO NOT
use the enclosure. See Chapter 6 for replacing the HEPA Filter or using a Bag-
In/Bag-Out Disposal Bag.
The HEPA filter will gradually accumulate airborne particulate matter from
the room and from work performed in the enclosure. The rate of accumulation
will depend upon the cleanliness of the room air, the amount of time the
enclosure is operating, and the nature of work being done.
The TXE is provided with a HEPA filter. For powders and particulates follow
the HEPA Filter Bag-In/Bag-Out procedure in Chapter 6 for disposal
instructions. For biohazardous materials, follow the Decontamination
Procedure in Chapter 6 for disposal instructions.
Prohibited Acid Use
The TXE motorized impeller cannot be exposed to acids. Where applications
require the use of acids, a separate ventilated enclosure or vented fume hood
should be used with a remote blower ducted to the outside. No exceptions are
permitted, as the impeller life span will be limited with acid use.