LA Audio MPX10 User Manual
Page 17

Page 17
Fig: 4.3.1 Effect of Ratio control on O/P levels.
A RATIO of 1:1 gives no compression and 20:1 causes effectively no
increase in output level no matter how far the signal increases above
Threshold. This is referred to as Limiting.
The ratio curves shown in Fig 4.3.1 are Hard-knee where the change in
gain is abrupt. The MPX10 has a Soft-knee control system which provides
a gradual change between compression levels.
A T T A C K & R E L E A S E switch
The MPX10 compressor has 4 program dependant Auto Attack and
Release settings -
SLOW mode (switches 'out')
Attack = 20mS to 100mS
Release = 2S
FAST mode (switches 'in')
Attack = 5mS to 70mS
Release = 0.5S
In SLOW mode the compressor reacts to the average level of the input
signal and is the normal setting for most signal types. Fast transient signal
peaks will pass unaffected.