Faq (frequently asked questions) – D-Link DSC-100 User Manual
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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q. I connected the DSC-100 to my USB port before running the
Setup program. What do I do now?
A. If you connect the DSC-100 to the computer before installing the
driver the first time, the Windows operating software may use
incorrect information and may not allow you to install the correct
driver. To fix this problem, follow these steps.
§ Stop and exit all other running programs before you proceed.
§ Cancel the “Add New Hardware” wizard.
§ Disconnect the DSC-100 from the USB port.
§ Restart your computer.
§ If you are using the Windows 2000 operating system, use
Administrator rights when installing any devices.
§ Follow the Quick Install Guide to install the DSC-100.
Q. How do I Uninstall the DSC-100 from my computer?
A. If you need to uninstall the driver, disconnect the DSC-100 and
click Start > Programs > DSC-100 > Uninstall program. Click
"Yes" to execute the uninstall. You can then shut down your
computer and disconnect the DSC-100 from the USB port.