D-Link DSC-100 User Manual
Page 16

If you are downloading a Digital Video, you can select AVI or Mpeg1 as
the video format that the video file will be encoded in. If you choose
AVI(Audio Video Interlaced file developed by Microsoft), the file will
have a suffix of .AVI. If you choose Mpeg1(short for the Moving
Pictures Expert Group MPEG version 1), the file will have a suffix
of .MPG. AVI files are larger in file size but have shorter image
processing time. Mpeg1 files have are smaller in file size but have
longer image processing time. Most video applications support both
You can erase all the images in the DSC-100’s memory by pressing the
Erase All button
Warning: The images stored in the camera will be erased when you
click the Erase All button. Make sure you want to delete all
the photos before clicking the Erase All button.
Pressing the Snapshot button will take a picture of whatever is
currently seen through the viewfinder.
Pressing the Options button will show the current software and
firmware versions. If you contact D-Link Technical Support for any
reason, please have this information available.