HITEC MiniMag (RR) User Manual
Page 22

17. Setting the control surface travels
It is important to set the control surface travels correctly,
as these settings have a crucial influence on the model’s
overall control response. In all cases the travels are
measured at the point of maximum chord (width of control
- stick back
- approx. + 11 mm
- stick forward
- approx. - 11 mm
left and right each way
- approx. 6-10 mm
- approx. + 7 mm
- approx. - 3 mm
MagicMixer #1 (optional)
# 7 3000
The MagicMixer #1 permits the use of a simple radio control
transmitter without mixer functions. It is adequate for:
3-channel RC transmitter
Without the MagicMixer #1 you will need at least a four-
channel computer transmitter with mixer functions.
Using this module the Mini Mag can be flown even with a
transmitter such as the Ranger III, as supplied with the
EasyStar and SpaceScooter RTF models.
It provides a means of controlling two aileron servos and
the rudder from a single channel (right / left output) at the
The servos, and therefore the control surface travels, are
automatically actuated with the correct deflections. Using
the MagicMixer #1 the degree to which the rudder follows
the ailerons (“combi-switch” / CAR function) and the aileron
differential are fixed, i.e. they cannot be altered.
Aileron differential means that the up-aileron travel is greater
than the down-aileron travel. This helps to prevent the model
swinging away from the turn (adverse yaw) when ailerons
are applied.
If you are using the MagicMixer #1 your transmitter must
offer at least the following channels:
Channel 1: Ailerons, coupled rudder (3 servos)
Channel 2: Elevator (1 servo)
Channel 3: Throttle (1 servo)
Connect the aileron servo leads as described in the
“MagicMixer #1” instructions. Take care to maintain
correct polarity when making these connections: the signal
pin is indicated on the label of the MagicMixer with the
square signal symbol. The signal wire in the servo lead is
generally yellow or orange.
Connections at the MagicMixer #1:
r/l =
to receiver, right / left output
AR =
to right aileron servo
AL =
to left aileron servo
R =
to rudder servo
If necessary, set the correct direction of servo travel using
the servo reverse facility on your transmitter.
Y-lead for the aileron servos (optional)
# 8 5030
The Y-lead permits the use of a simple four-channel radio
control transmitter, i.e. without mixer functions. The two
aileron servos are actuated simultaneously by a single
receiver servo output.
Please note: in this case the differential aileron movement
must be obtained by mechanical means. This is achieved
by offsetting the servo output arms forward by two splines.
This must be done before you install the servos. The rudder
is controlled via a separate channel with this arrangement.
Computer radio control transmitter
If you have this type of transmitter you need neither a
MagicMixer #1 nor a Y-lead.
The transmitter must feature the following adjustment
- Aileron differential mixer
- Servo reverse
- Servo travel adjustment
- Optional combi-switch (coupled rudder / ailerons)
Note: when you apply a right-aileron command at
the transmitter, the right-hand aileron (as seen from
the tail) must deflect up.
If you find that you cannot set the correct control
surface travels with your radio control system, you
will need to change the linkage hole to which the
pushrod is connected.
18. Gilding the lily
The kit includes a multi-colour decal sheet. Cut out the
individual name placards and emblems and apply them to
the model, either following our scheme (kit box illustration)
or using your own arrangement. If you have built the rudder
/ elevator version of the model, you will find decals on the
sheet designed for covering the servo recesses in the wing.
29. Balancing
To make your Mini Mag fly safe and stable it must be
balanced at the correct point or C.G. (Centre of gravity) -
just like every other aircraft. Assemble your model
completely, ready to fly, and install the flight battery.
The Centre of Gravity should be at a point 67 mm aft of
the leading edge of the wing, measured where the wing
meets the fuselage. You will find the markings moulded on
the underside of the wings.
Support the model on your fingertips at the marked point,
and it should balance level. If necessary, adjust the position
of the flight battery until the plane wings levels. Once the
correct position is found, mark it inside the battery box to
ensure that the battery is always replaced in exactly the
same location. Fig. 43
20. Preparing for the first flight
Wait for a day with as little breeze as possible for the first
flight. The evening hours often provide the best conditions.