Hanna Instruments HI 504901 User Manual
Page 15

Valid values are from 1 to 10 minutes. If an out-of-range
value is inserted, a warning message will be displayed and
the default value is automatically set.
The actual interval for the query operation can be bigger
than the set value if many devices are connected to the RS485
link and the HI504901 interface has not enough time to
interrogate all the devices within the set time value.
Security options:
• On “HI504901 Password” field it is possible to set the pass-
word for the HI504901 device. This password protects from
unauthorized remote modem connection to one of the instru-
ments connected to the cellular phone interface and from
unauthorized remote configuration. This password does not
block the local configuration of the instrument, i.e. no pass-
word is required to configure the HI504901 device with its
application software through the serial cable. The password
can be disabled. Valid values are string of 6 to 20 characters
(letters and numbers are allowed).
Letters typed in lower case will be automatically changed in
upper case by the software. If the field is enabled, a value
must be inserted.
• On “PIN number” field the SIM card PIN number has to
be inserted (maximum 4 digits). When inserting this code
the characters are masked. Valid values are numbers from
0000 to 9999. The PIN code must be inserted only in the
first HI504901 configuration and every time the SIM card
PIN code is changed.
The SIM card PIN number must be inserted in any case and
is required by the application software even if the PIN lock
has been disabled through a normal cellular phone.
If an update with a wrong PIN code is made, an attempt for
cellular PIN insertion is lost. At start-up, 3 attempts for en-
tering the cellular PIN code are available, and at each up-
date with a wrong PIN value, an attempt will be lost. After 3
wrong attempts, to unlock the SIM card, extract it and manu-
ally enter the PUK by using a cellular phone.
If the PIN code is changed during configuration it will be
checked and this operation lasts about 30 seconds (the cel-
lular phone will be turned off and on again to verify the PIN
code correctness).
15 days, 7 days and 1 day before the expiration date, warn-
ing SMS messages will be sent to the programmed number(s).
It is useful to enable this feature in case of a rechargeable SIM
card, and disable it if an unlimited credit card or a special
rechargeable SIM card is used. If the feature is enabled, it is
necessary to insert a date to proceed with the configuration.
SMS options:
• On “Repeated SMSs” field it is possible to set the number of
repeated SMSs to be sent. Each alarm or warning SMS sent
by the HI504901 device requires an explicit confirmation by
a back call from (one of) the cellular phone(s) that received
the message: this call is not answered by the HI504901, but
works as a confirmation about having read and understood
the alarm/warning message (see “SMS delivery” section). If
HI504901 does not receive this confirmation within a fixed
time interval (see the “SMS delay” section below), it will send
the alarm message again. With the “Repeated SMSs” op-
tion, it is possible to set the maximum number of alarm mes-
sages that will be sent in these conditions.
Default value is 2 repeated SMS’s.
Valid values are numbers from 0 (i.e. no repeated messages)
to 5. If an out-of-range value is inserted, a warning mes-
sage will be displayed and the maximum allowed value (i.e.
5) is automatically set.
• On “SMS Delay” field it is possible to set the delay between
two subsequent alarm/warning SMS’s (see “SMS’s deliv-
ery” section). This delay is related to the number of “Re-
peated SMSs” (see above).
Default value is 10 minutes.
Valid values are from 5 to 60 minutes. If an out-of-range
value is inserted, a warning message will be displayed and
the default value is automatically set.
If a zero value is set in the “Repeated SMSs” section, this
feature is disabled.
• On “Query Delay” field it is possible to set the delay between
a query operation and the following one of the alarm situa-
tion for all the connected devices made by HI504901. With
this option the maximum time for an alarm detection and the
relating SMS sending is set (see “Idle state” section).
Default value is 1 minute.