Hanna Instruments HI 504901 User Manual

Page 14

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The following features are selectable in the general options
setting folder:

Telephone numbers:

It is possible to set two telephone numbers for automatic send-
ing of alarm messages and sending of information messages
upon a call from one of these phones. Valid values are num-
bers of a maximum of 20 digits, with the country code in front
and without spaces or “+” symbol (e.g. for Italy 39335.....)


At least a value for telephone number #1 must be inserted to
proceed with configuration.


The country code is necessary, otherwise HI504901 will not be
able to send any SMS.


The set phone number are not saved on the phonebook
area of the SIM card. If there are some phone numbers pre-
viously stored on any SIM card location, they will be not

HI 504901 date and time:

Date and time present in the HI504901 device can be read.
These fields can not be modified manually. To align the
HI504901 to the PC date and time, simply click on “Update
HI504901 Date and Time” check-box: the new values will be
displayed on the PC and the updating will take place when the
“Update All” button is pressed.

SIM Card options:

• On “Remaining SMSs” field it is possible to set the number

of remaining messages in the SIM card: this number gives
indication about the charge level of the SIM card. To know
the value to be inserted, divide the SIM card credit by the
cost of one SMS. This number will be decreased at every
sent message and when zero level is approaching, one or
more messages will be sent by the HI504901 device to
warn the user about the need of SIM card recharging.


It is useful to enable this feature in case of a rechargeable
SIM card, and disable it if an unlimited credit card is used.
If the feature is enabled, it is necessary to insert a value to
proceed with the configuration.

• On “Expiration Date” field it is possible to set the SIM card

expiration date (dd/mm/yy): this is the date after which the
SIM card expires if not recharged (usually after one year).

software advises the user with warning messages if some er-
ror occurs on the interface. The following fault conditions
can be detected by HI504901SW:
• “Error on cellular phone found”: warning for generic error

on cellular phone, e.g. cellular phone not network regis-
tered, SIM card missing, no network coverage, cellular
phone not answering, etc.

• “Wrong cellular PIN code”: PIN code on HI504901 is

not correct.

• “PIN code missing”: PIN code needed for SIM card and

not available on current HI504901 configuration.

• “Last SMS reached”: no more SMS’s are available on the

SIM card (SIM card credit reached zero).

• “Expiration date reached”: SIM card expired.
• “Error in current device configuration. Check data before

proceeding with the new configuration”: some corrupt data
found on HI504901 internal memory (EEPROM).

“Phone status” button:

Press this button to open a secondary window for seeing the
cellular phone network registration status (“REGISTERED” or
“NOT REGISTERED”) and the signal quality.


The cellular status check during a remote configuration via
modem may require a few seconds more than during a local
configuration, and information may arrive with a small delay.


When the “Phone status” button is pressed, also the
HI504901 green LED’s for cellular signal indication are up-
dated with the new real value provided by cellular phone.

“Help” button:

Press this button to display the help file.

“Exit” button:

Press this button to exit the HI504901 setup program during a
local configuration.

“Disconnect” button (for remote configuration only):

Press this button to end the remote connection with the
HI504901. The data call will be immediately stopped.