Hall Research DeviceFinder User Manual
Device finder installation and quick start guide

Device Finder Installation and Quick Start Guide
Minimum Hardware/Software Requirements
1. Computer running one of the following operating systems
Windows XP (or better)
Mac OS X (or better)
Linux (with GUI interface)
2. Sun Java runtime environment (JRE) version 1.5.0_22 or above. (For Mac and Linux users only).
For Windows application is packaged with its own JRE. On Macintosh, JRE is installed by default by
manufacturer. On Linux, usually Open JRE is a default JRE but user can install Sun JRE or use Open
JRE to run the application however, it is not guaranteed that all features of application will work as
expected with Open JRE on Linux systems.
3. Computer must be connected to TCP/IP network using either Ethernet or Wi-Fi.
(Note: Virtual machines with bridged network settings can also be used to run this application.)
Installation (Windows PC)
1. Download application Device Finder.exe file for Windows from product website.
2. Unzip the file and go to the Device Finder directory in your unzipped folder.
3. Run setup.exe file by Double Clicking it.
4. If security warning window appears as shown below, Click Run.