Hall Research VSM-802B User Manual
Page 17

8x2 Video Matrix Switch
Select Switching Mode
N = Normal
T =Tandem (used for dual-head displays)
Normal mode selected
Scan interval for output 1 (1 to 255 seconds)? 10
Scan interval for output 2 (1 to 255 seconds)? 10
6.4 Blanking the output
Pressing key 9 or key 10 on the keypad will cause the output to be
blanked (all LED’s on the keypad will be lit when the output is
blanked). To come out of blank mode, just press any 1 through 8 keys
on the keypad.
Either output can also be blanked from a serial device by issuing a
switch command with 0 as input such as: O2I0
NOTE: This is the only method
of blanking the output.
Please disregard
paragraph 3.3 on page 8
of the manual
6.5 Programming the Scan Period for each output
You can specify a scan interval for each output from 1 second to 255
seconds. Once you program the scan interval, the model 802 will use
the new period whenever you enter scan mode. The scan mode is set to
10 seconds for both outputs when the unit is shipped from the factory.
To program the scan interval, connect either keypad port of the
VSM802 to a PC (you can use the keypad cable for this purpose).
Configure a terminal emulator (such as HyperTerminal™ which comes
with Windows®) for 9600 baud.
Press the letter “P” on the keyboard. You will see a dialog screen
similar to the following: