Operation – Hall Research VSM-802B User Manual
Page 10

8x2 Video Matrix Switch
3. Operation
3.1 The Switch’s LEDs
The LEDs on the 8 x 2 Video Matrix Switch’s rear panel, shown in Figure
3-1 at the start of Chapter 2, indicate which of the Switch’s outputs are
displaying the video from which inputs, and which outputs have been
blanked and aren’t showing anything (see Section 3.3) .
There are two rows of eight LEDs, labeled “Channel” and “1” through “8.”
The top row shows which input is selected for “OUT A,” while the bottom
row shows which input is selected for “OUT B.” If no LEDs are lit in an
output port’s row, the output has been blanked and the keypad is in test
mode (see Section 3.3)
3.2 Switching with the Keypads
To switch your output port’s monitor or other destination device to display
a given input, press the number of that input on your keypad. For example,
to display the video from a CPU attached to INPUT 8, press the “8” button.
The LED next to that button will light (and will stay lit until a different port
is selected). Buttons 9 and 10 on the keypad have no switching function;
pressing them will have no effect unless you press both at the same time,
which will blank the output and trigger the keypad’s self-test function (see
Section 3.3).
3.3 Blanking the Video Output and Keypad Self-Test
Pressing both the 9 and 10 buttons simultaneously on one of the Switch’s
keypads will blank the video output controlled by that keypad (the monitor
will go dark). It will also cause that keypad to go into self-test mode and
light all of its LEDs. If you see that any of the LEDs don’t light while a
keypad is in this mode, consider contacting HRT to arrange for the keypad
to be repaired or returned. (A dark LED probably just means that the LED
is defective, but there’s a slim chance that something more serious might be
wrong.) To exit test mode and restore video output of the previously
selected channel, press any button (1 through 8).