Exo Terra Turtle Cliff User Manual
Page 4

cleaning. The motor is hermetically sealed, thereby requiring no
lubrication or maintenance.
• The filter’s impeller cavity, although it is self cleaning, requires
regular maintenance to remove dirt, slime and debris build-up
to ensure smooth running and to extend the life of the filter. The
impeller and impeller well (where the impeller is located) should
be cleaned at least once a month, more often if necessary.
Cleaning the impeller:
1. Unplug the Turtle Cliff and remove it from the installation
2. Remove filter from the Turtle Cliff
3. Separate the filter case from the motor housing
4. Remove impeller cover
5. Grasp the blades of the impeller fan to pull out the impeller
6. Thoroughly clean the impeller and the impeller well to remove
slime, dirt or debris.
7. Place the impeller back into the impeller well. Replace the
impeller cover, then re-attach the filter case to the motor
If you are using well water, or if you have hard water, run the filter
for a few minutes in a solution of 20% vinegar and 80% water to
help remove calcium deposit buildup before replacing the filter in the
Do not use detergents or other chemical cleaners. The power cord
cannot be replaced, discard the appliance if damaged.
Filter Media:
The Exo Terra Repti Clear F250 and F350 Terrarium Filter provides 3-stage
filtration. The large foam captures and removes large particulate matter and
debris and enhances biological filtration, the smaller foam captures smaller,
finer particulate matter; and the
carbon cartridge helps improve water clarity, color and smell. The foam
pads will gradually fill with trapped debris and require rinsing. Re-using
the foam can help protect the bacterial colonies and provide continual
biological filtration. Foam pads should be rinsed at least once a month,
more often if necessary.
It is not recommended to rinse the foam directly in tap or well water, as
the water contains chemicals that make it unsafe to amphibians. As a
precaution, the foam should always be rinsed in de-chlorinated water. To
do this, fill a container with water and then treat the water with a water
conditioner such as Exo Terra Aquatize to neutralize the chemicals. Once
the water has been de-chlorinated, you can then rinse the foam. (note: this
procedure is also recommended when replacing with new foam).
Filter media (foam pads, carbon cartridge) should be replaced every 6-8
weeks to ensure proper functioning of the filter, more often if necessary.
Never rinse or replace all filter media at the same time, alternate rinsing/
replacement of filter media. Replacement Filter Foam and Carbon
cartridges can be purchased from your local Exo Terra dealer or pet retailer.
The filter must not be allowed to run dry. If filter fails to operate,
check the following:
No Flow:
• Check if the power supply is on. Check the circuit breaker or
try another outlet to ensure the filter is getting electrical power.
Note: always disconnect the filter from electrical supply before
• If power supply is working but filter is not, then it may
be clogged by debris. Disconnect the filter, check water
output spout/tube to ensure it is not clogged, then follow the
maintenance procedures to clean the impeller.
Low Flow:
• Check the filter’s water output spout/tube to ensure it is not
clogged by debris. Then follow the maintenance procedures to
clean impeller.
This product is guaranteed for defects in material or workmanship
for a period of 2 years from date of purchase. The guarantee is valid
with proof of purchase only. The guarantee is limited to repair or
replacement of the filter only and does not cover consequential loss
or damage of or to animate or inanimate objects. This guarantee
is valid only under normal operating conditions for which the filter
is intended. It excludes any damage caused by unreasonable use,
improper installation, negligence, tampering, or abuse of the filter.
The filter motor is factory sealed, tampering will void guarantee.
For guarantee service contact your local pet dealer or write to the
representative in your country. This guarantee does not affect your
statutory rights.
If you have any problem or question about the operation of this
product, please let us try to help you before you return the product
to your dealer. Most problems can be handled promptly with a
phone call. When you call (e-mail or write), please have all relevant
information such as model number and/or part numbers available,
as well as the nature of the problem. Call our Customer Service
Canada Only:
Toll Free Number 1-800-55HAGEN (1-800-554-2436)
Between 9:00 am and 4:30 pm (Eastern Time)
U.S.A. Only:
Toll Free Number 1-800-724-2436
Between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm (Eastern Time)
U.K. Only:
Helpline Number 01977 556622
Between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm