Es5 series - installation, Operation installation – EmberGlo ES5 Series User Manual

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A Division of Midco International Inc

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In the United States, wiring must conform to local codes, or in the absence of local codes, to the
National Electrical code ANSI/NFPA No. 70-latest edition. In Canada, wiring must conform to
local codes, or in the absence of local codes, to Canadian Electrical Code Part 1, CSA Standard
1. All ES5 Models: Locate on level surface and plug power cord into 120 volt, single phase

60 Hz. grounded outlet.

2. ES5M, ES5MT, ES5CTS & ES5PBS: Fill water pan by pulling water pan out to stop
position and fi ll with cold water to top of baffl es, then close drawer.
3. ES5PB & ES5CT: Connect water hose assembly to water supply system. The supply end has

1/8″ female pipe fi tting and should be attached down stream to a shut-off valve. Steamer end

of hose has a quick connect fi tting which snaps onto mating fi tting on steamer. This fi tting has

an automatic shut-off valve that allows steamer to be disconnected without shutting off water

supply. After connecting, turn on water and check for leaks.

4. EmberGlo Steamers do not require a separate hood for vapor produced during operation

according to the Uniform Mechanical Codes per the International Conference of Building

Offi cials Code. And there are no requirements in NSF Standard 4 (2006e) for steamers

to have ventilation.


General Instructions for Operation. For operation tips and recommendations see below.
1. Push power switch to ON position (light on) and allow approximately 15-20 minutes to reach

operating temperature.

2. Test to make sure unit will generate steam.
3. Open lid, place food on grid and close lid.
4. ES5M & ES5MT: Rotate press handle until it stops - then release. See Heating and


Guide - 8474-75S for suggested number of operations or “shots” (a shot is one press of

pump handle).

ES5PB & ES5PBS: Push round button momentarily for each operation. Do not hold button

more than one second.

Note: After installation, operate several times until the water hose fi lls with water.

ES5CT & ES5CTS: Operate the same as ES5PB above, or follow directions on label on front of

unit which will automatically deliver three shots per minute for time set. At end of cooking

time, READY light will come ON and signal will sound. Turn toggle switch to OFF to silence


5. Open lid and remove food.
6. For effi ciency and safety purposes, keep lid closed when not in use. This keeps the food pan

hot and reduces condensation in the steam chamber.

7. To shut off, push power switch to OFF position.

IMPORTANT: KEEP LID CLOSED WHEN NOT IN USE. This keeps the food pan hot and reduces
condensation in the steam chamber. When steamer is fi rst installed, or when reconnecting water
hose, operate STEAM button several times to purge air from lines.

General Tips and Recommendations for Operation.
To sustain optimum cooking performance: It is important to maintain the correct amount of steam
generated. Either holding the manual pump (ES5M & ES5MT) or pressing the button (ES5PB or
ES5PBS) too long will fl ood the generator with too much water. On the other hand not holding the
pump (ES5M) or pressing the button (ES5PB & ES5PBS) long enough and not spraying enough
water will not produce enough steam on the generator to properly cook the food in the desired time.

Recommended pumping and button pressing times for proper water levels in the generator:

ES5M & ES5MT - It is recommended that the user pump the handle two to three times every

20 to 30 seconds. If it is pumped more times or if the user does not wait long enough between
pumps, the generator will fl ood. Also, if it is pumped only once every minute there will not be

enough water in the generator to produce the correct amount of steam to sustain optimal
cooking performance.

ES5PB & ES5PBS - It is important to hold the button in for 3 seconds of time. If the button is

held too long, the generator will fl ood. If the button is held too short of a time, not enough water will
be sprayed onto the generator to create enough cooking steam. See below (next paragraph) for
recommendations on how to know this.

ES5 Series - Installation


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