EmberGlo ES5 Series User Manual
Installation and service instructions, Es5 series, Top open / half pan counter top steamer

Installation and Service Instructions
Quality Designed for Proven Performance
Printed in USA
8449 96
complete EMBERGLO Part Number and Description. Furnish
Model Number, Bill of Material Number and Serial Number (if
available) from the specifi cation plate found on the product.
IMPORTANT: Availability of parts as well as specifi cations are
subject to change without notice. Please consult factory for
item availability.
SAFETY INFORMATION TERMS: The following terms are used to identify hazards, safety precaution of spe-
cial notations and have standard meanings throughout this manual. They are printed in all capital letters using
a bold type face as shown below, and preceded by the exclamation mark symbol. When you see the safety
alert symbol and one of the safety information terms as shown below, be aware of the hazard potential.
Identifi es the most serious hazards which will result in severe personal injury or
WARNING: Signifi es a hazard that could result in personal injury or death.
CAUTION: Identifi es unsafe practices which would result in minor personal injury or product and
property damage.
ES5 Series - Designed to operate without distilled water,
Self Contained or Direct Water Hookup, Stainless steel
Specifi cations:
120 volts 60HZ AC 1500 watts, max 12.5 amp
ES5 1800 series - 1800 watts, max 15 amps
Manual pump (push button) or timer operation
Closed generator
Half Pan size
Removable water drawer (self contained models)
Spring loaded adjustable hinge with 60° or 90° opening
Food Grid
ES5 1800 series - 1800 watts, max 15 amps
ES5 1800 series - 20% faster temperature recovery time
Quick connect fi ttings (direct hookup models)
This manual contains suffi cient information for installation of the
EmberGlo Steamer in normal locations.
In the United States, installation must conform with local codes.
PURCHASER: Retain these instructions for future use.
Post in a prominent location near the steamer.
ES5 Series
Top Open / Half Pan
Counter Top Steamer
A Div of Midco® International Inc.
4140 West Victoria Street
Chicago, Illinois 60646
toll free 866.705.0514
e-mail [email protected]
CAUTION: Cooking equipment should be used in
an environment protected by an automatic fi re suppression
system. Consult the National Fire Protection Association NFPA
Code 96 or the latest edition of Standards for Installation of
Equipment for Removal of Smoke and Grease-Laden Vapors
From Commercial Cooking Equipment.
WARNING: Improper installation, adjustment,
alteration, service or maintenance can cause property
damage, injury or death. Read the installation, operating
and maintenance instructions thoroughly before install-
ing or servicing this equipment.
See the back of this manual for warranty.
This warranty does not apply to damages resulting from ac-
cident, misuse, abuse or alteration.
No equipment may be returned without written authorization
from EmberGlo (or Midco). Returned goods must be shipped
prepaid to the factory.
Warranty card must be fi lled in and returned to EmberGlo (or
Midco) to validate warranty.
ES5 Series - 1500W
ES5CTS: Timer Operation with Water Pan
Manual Operation with Water Pan
Manual Operation with Water Pan
and Specially Perforated Tortilla Food Pan
ES5PBS: Manual Operation with Push Button
and Water Pan
ES5PB: Direct Connect with Push Button
ES5CT: Direct Connect with Timer
ES5 1800 Series - 1800W
ES5M18: Manual Operation with Water Pan
ES5CT18: Direct Connect with Timer
ES5CTS18: Timer Operation with Water Pan
ES5PB18: Direct Connect with Push Button
As of June 2013 the following steamers are no longer being
manufactured - they are replaced with CT series steamers
now ES5CTS
ES5T -
now ES5CT
ES5PTS - now Obsolete
Model ES5M
in the