Project 8 fast bright, slow dim, Project 7 find your own parts, Project 6 loop – Elenco Basic Electricity User Manual

Page 3: 1a 5v

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Set the meter (M5) to the 1A setting and turn on the switch (S1). The

lamps light and the meter measures the electric current flow. Try

rearranging the parts in the circuit (keeping the “+” side of the meter

aligned with the “+” side of the batteries) and how it affects the circuit.

Next, try replacing any of the lamps (L4) with the press switch (S2)

and push it.

This circuit has the lamps connected in

a series (not in parallel, as in project 5).

This arrangement makes the lamps

dimmer because the battery voltage is

divided among the 3 lamps, but also

makes the batteries last longer

because less current is flowing.

Electricity from the batteries flows in a

loop, equally through each component

in the circuit.
Rearranging the components in a

series circuit does not change it,

because the same amount of electricity

is flowing through each component.

Replacing one of the lamps with the

press switch increases the current,

because the pressed switch has no

resistance to the flow of electricity.
If several lamps are arranged in series

and one burns out, none will work

because the only path for electricity is


Project 8

Fast Bright, Slow Dim

Incandescent light bulbs, like those in the L4 lamps, make

light by passing a big electric current through a special

resistive wire (the filament), which gets so hot that it glows.

The two left bulbs (A & B) get less current than the right bulb

(C) so they take longer to heat up and don’t get as hot.
The meter measures the voltage cross left lamps A & B.

This voltage will be low when the left lamps are dim. When

you remove lamp B, both remaining lamps have the same

voltage across them and the same current through them.
In part A, you might have expected left lamps A & B to be

half as bright as the right lamp (C), because the current

through lamp C should divide equally between lamps A & B,

but instead lamps A & B are much dimmer. This occurs

because bulb filaments offer less resistance to the flow of

electricity when they are cold, and increase in resistance as

they heat up. Your L4 lamps have resistance of less than 5

ohms when they are cold, and about 15 ohms then bright.



Project 7

Find Your Own Parts


Build the circuit shown; the can be

anything you want. Set the meter (M5) to

the 1A setting and turn on the switch

(S1). Touch various materials between

the snaps on the 4-snap wire and

batttery holder “—” side. Use the red

jumper wire to help make a connection if

needed. See which materials are good

at transporting electricity by watching the

meter current and lamp (L4) brightness.
If the meter reads zero, switch it to the

1mA setting to see if there is just a very

small current. With the 1mA meter

setting, try placing two of your fingers

across the snaps to see how well you

transport electricity; wet your fingers to

get better electrical contact. To help

protect the meter, always switch back to

the 1A scale before testing a new circuit.



Part A: Set the meter (M5) to the 5V setting. Push the press switch (S2)

for several seconds, while watching the meter. The meter is measuring

the voltage across the two left lamps (labeled A & B); its reading jumps

up when the switch is pressed, then slowly rises more for a few

seconds. Push the switch again while closely watching the lamps A &

B. Notice how lamps A & B initially are off, but turn on dimly within a

second or two.
Note: The voltage measured in this step will be small; in some cases in

may even be too small to measure with your M5 meter. M5 is a simple

meter, don’t expect it to be as accurate as normal electronic test

Part B: Remove lamp B, and push the switch again. Now both

remaining lamps (A & C) get equally bright fast, and the meter shows a

higher voltage across the left lamp (A).
Part C: Replace the right lamp (C) with a 3-snap wire, and push the

switch again. Now the left lamp (A) gets the full battery voltage, as

shown on the meter.

Project 6


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