Project 4 heavy load, Project 3 triple voltage divider, Project 5 heavy flow – Elenco Basic Electricity User Manual

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Project 4

Heavy Load

Modify the preceding circuit

to match this one. Set the

meter (M5) to the 1A setting

and turn on the switch (S1).

The meter measures the

current. Try removing one

or two lamps and see how

the current changes. Also

try this circuit with both new

strong batteries and with old

weak ones.

This circuit is pictured on the front of the box, use that picture to help

in building it. Set the meter (M5) to the 5V setting. Turn on the slide

switch (S1) and use the meter to measure the voltage at points A, B,

C, D, & E in the circuit by connecting the end of the red jumper wire

to each of those points (the drawing shows it connected to point C).
Next, repeat the voltage measurements at points A, B, C, D, & E

while pushing the press switch (S2).

Project 3

Triple Voltage Divider



Level Numbers

The circuit has three lamps connected in series, or two when S2 is pressed (S2 bypasses the last one).
A. Point A is the “+” battery terminal, so the meter is always measuring the battery voltage.
B. When S1 is on, point B is connected to the batteries, so the voltage will be the same as point A. When

S1 is off, the voltage is zero.

C. Point C measures the voltage after one lamp and across the other two, so should be about 2/3 of the

battery voltage. When S2 is pressed, the last lamp is bypassed, so point C is measuring across one of

the two remaining lamps, so should be approximately 1/2 of the battery voltage.

D. Point D measures the voltage after two lamps and across the last one, so should be about 1/3 of the

battery voltage. When S2 is pressed, the last lamp is bypassed, so point D is zero volts just like point E.

E. Point E is the “—” battery terminal, and will always be zero.
Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law, an important rule for analyzing circuits, says the total voltage driving a circuit must

equal the voltage drops within it. So the voltage drops across all of the lamps should equal the battery

voltage. (Your measurements may be a little different, because M5 is a simple meter with low accuracy.)

Set the meter (M5) to the 5V setting,

and initially keep the switch (S1) off.

The meter measures the battery

voltage with the lamps (L4) off.
Now turn the switch on to light the

lamps, and see if the battery voltage

changes. Next, remove one or two of

the lamps and compare the voltage.
Try this project with both new strong

batteries and with old weak ones.

Compare how the voltage changes

when you turn the switch on.

Project 5

Heavy Flow


In this circuit, electricity flows out

of the batteries, through the meter,

then divides among the 3 lamps,

then all flows back to the batteries

through the switch.
The 3 lamps are connected in

parallel, because the current flow

divides among them. If one of the

lamps burns out, the others will

still work because has its own path

for electricity to flow along.

Batteries produce electricity using a chemical reaction,

and only a limited amount of the chemicals can react

together at once. Also, the chemical reaction slows as the

batteries get weaker. When a circuit wants more

electricity than the batteries can supply, the voltage

(electrical pressure) drops.
In this circuit, lighting all three lamps takes a lot of

electricity, so the voltage drops a little when the switch is

turned on. The drop in voltage is much greater for weak

old batteries than for strong new ones.


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