Quiz, Elenco, Glossary – Elenco LED Robot Blinker User Manual

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1. The Robot Blinker circuit is essentially _________________.

2. The LED emits light when ____________ passes through it.

3. The transistor has three elements, name them: _____________, ____________, ____________.

4. The collector voltage must be ________ in respect to the emitter voltage.

5. For the transistor to conduct, the base must be about _____ volts above the emitter.

6. When transistor Q1 is conducting capacitor C2 will be ____________.

7. When transistor Q2 is conducting LED’s D__ and D__ will be on.

8. The frequency of the Robot Blinker is ___ cycles per second.

9. When transistor Q2 is ON, transistor Q1 is _____.

10. Resistors R2 and R3 are used to ________ the current in the LED’s.



1. oscillator

; 2.

current; 3.

base, emitter

, collector; 4.

high; 5.

0.7; 6.

charging; 7.

2,4; 8.


9. off;

10. limit



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Astable Multivibrator...

A type of transistor configuration in which only one transistor is on at a time.


The controlling input of an NPN bipolar junction transistor.


A device which uses a chemical reaction to create an electric charge across a material.


The ability to store electric charge.


An electrical component that can store electrical pressure (voltage) for periods of time.


The controlled input of an NPN bipolar junction transistor.

Color Code.....................

A method for marking resistors using colored bands.


A measure of how fast electrons are flowing in a wire or how fast water is flowing in a pipe.

Disc Capacitor..............

A type of capacitor that has low capacitance and is used mostly in high frequency circuits.


A flow of electrons between atoms due to an electrical charge across the material.

Electrolytic Capacitor..

A type of capacitor that has high capacitance and is used mostly in low frequency circuits.
It has polarity markings.


The output of an NPN bipolar junction transistor.

Farad, (F).......................

The unit of measure for capacitance.


A common term for the 0V or “–” side of a battery or generator.

Integrated Circuit.........

A type of circuit in which transistors, diodes, resistors, and capacitors are all constructed on a semiconductor base.

Kilo- (K)..........................

A prefix used in the metric system. It means a thousand of something.


Common abbreviation for light emitting diode.

Light Emitting Diode....

A diode made from gallium arsenide that has a turn-on energy so high that light is generated
when current flows through it.

Micro- (



A prefix used in the metric system. It means a millionth (0.000,001) of something.


Negative-Positive-Negative, a type of transistor construction.

Ohm, (



The unit of measure for resistance.

Printed Circuit Board...

A board used for mounting electrical components. Components are connected using metal
traces “printed” on the board instead of wires.


The electrical friction between an electric current and the material it is flowing through; the
loss of energy from electrons as they move between atoms of the material.


Components used to control the flow of electricity in a circuit. They are made of carbon.


A drawing of an electrical circuit that uses symbols for all the components.


A material that has more resistance than conductors but less than insulators. It is used to
construct diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits.


When electrical components are connected one after the other.

Short Circuit..................

When wires from different parts of a circuit (or different circuits) connect accidentally.


A tin-lead metal that becomes a liquid when heated to above 360 degrees. In addition to having
low resistance like other metals, solder also provides a strong mounting that can withstand shocks.


An electronic device that uses a small amount of current to control a large amount of current.


A measure of how strong an electric charge across a material is.

Volts (V)..........................

The unit of measure for voltage.