Dream Property DM500 + User Manual

Page 88

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U s e r M a n u a l D r e a m b o x D M 5 0 0


Pressing the blue Options-Button in the
“Communication setup” menu will take you to the
“Mount Manager” menu. You can setup up to eight
different configurations to connect your Dreambox to
shared folders on your PC. Right now only NFS
sharing is supported.

IP address of the NFS server you want to access.

Right now only the option NFS is available. Once
more share types are supported you can select the
type in this drop down menu.

Enter the name of the NFS share on the NFS server
that you want to access.

The default setting is /mnt and does not need to be
changed unless you want to add more than one
share. Adding more than one share requires you to
create several sub directories via telnet on your
Dreambox. The suggestion is to create /varmnt1 to

Either choose the option “rw” to have read and write
access or choose the option “ro” to have read-only
access to the NFS share.

You can add additional mount parameters here. You
have to know what you are doing otherwise leave this
setting alone.

Checking the checkbox in front of the option
“Automount” will automatically mount the
selected NFS share at the next boot of your

Press the green Options-Button to test the
mount. You will get a system message if it was
successful or not.

Press the yellow Options-Button to save you

Press the red Options-Button to unmount the
selected NFS share.

Navigate between the 8 possible shares by
using the Navigation-Buttons left or right.