Dream Property DM500 + User Manual
Page 83

U s e r M a n u a l D r e a m b o x D M 5 0 0
TuxText configuration menu:
If teletext page 100 is shown you can press the MENU-Button to enter the configuration menu of the
You have the following options:
Teletext - Selection:
Use the Navigation-Button left or right to choose another teletext provider from the current
transponder and press the OK-Button to view.
This option is only available if there is more than one station on the current provider that transmit
Aspect ratio:
16:9 im Standard-Modus = ein/aus (16:9 during Standard-Mode = enable/disable)
Enabling this shows the TuxText in 16:9 Aspect Ratio. Press the OK-Button to enable or disable this
option. The default setting is disabled.
16:9 im TextBild-Modus = ein/aus (16:9 during TextPicture-Mode = enable/disable)
Enabling this, switches the TV to 16:9 Aspect Ratio if the PIG-Mode is activated with the Volume-
down-Button. Press the OK-Button to enable or disable this option. The default setting is disabled.
On some older 4:3 TV’s these Modes may not work. If enabled, it could happen, that your TV switches
away from the VCR or A/V socket. The reason is a technical problem. The Switch signal on the Scart
connector is at PIN 8 using 12 Volts. Using a 16:9 Aspect Ratio switches the PIN 8 to 6 Volts, which
some older 4:3 TV’s can not handle. If you are using a 4:3 TV, we suggest not to enable these modes.
Here you can adjust the brightness of your Teletext. Press the Navigation-Buttons left or right to
adjust the brightness.
Here you can adjust the alpha value of your Teletext. Press the Navigation-Buttons left or right to
adjust the alpha value.
National codepage:
automatische Erkennung = ein/aus (automatic detection = enable/disable)
The national codepage detection is used to display the teletextpages with the right letters for your
location. Press the OK-Button to enable or disable this option. The default setting is enabled. If
disabled, use the Navigation-Buttons left or right, to choose your codepage.
Additional information can be found at