Dream Property DM500 + User Manual
Page 60

U s e r M a n u a l D r e a m b o x D M 5 0 0
30.1 Service organizing – Adding services to an existing Bouquet
Please read the section Service organizing – Adding a new Bouquet to learn how to get
into this menu.
Navigate to the option “Add services to bouquet”
and press the OK-Button.
You are asked for the type of Bouquet you want to
In our example we add a TV Bouquet.
Press the OK-Button.
You are asked in which Bouquet to place the
We will use our freshly created “my new bouquet” in
this example.
Press the OK-Button.
You can now choose whether to take a service from
the providerlist or servicelist or the new services list.
Note: All services that were not found in your
services list when you did an automatic transponder
scan will be saved in the new services list.
We will use the providerlist in our example.
Press the OK-Button.