Dream Property DM5600 User Manual
Page 44

2 9 . G l o s s a r y
2 9 .G l o s s a r y
2 9 . G l o s s a ry
4 . C ry p t o w o r k s : A CA system developed by Philips.
5 . N a g r a : With Seca (Canal+) the second digital coding method used in Spain. The progra m m e
p a ckage via Digital on Hispasat (30 degrees west) is coded in Nagra , as are Pay TV progra m-
mes in the cable network of the Spanish Te l e f o n i c a .
6 . Conax: Since the re o rganisation of the Pay TV providers in Scandinav i a , the general coding
s t a n d a rd for the Scandinavian Te l e n o r. The satellite re c e i v e r s , with Common Inerface, a re thus
re a dy for the digital age. A l re a dy, almost all manufacturers offer the technology of tomorrow.
H e re, e v e ryone can decide for himself when the receiver should be outfitted with va r i o u s
e n c ryptions. The greatest flexibility is achieved with the multi-access modules from va r i o u s
m a n u f a c t u rers. Here, t h e re is the option of one or two common interface slots. They can also
be added later, without any difficulty. The multi-access modules provide the greatest possible
security to reign supreme in the world of encrypted digital programmes in the future.
Vo D
Video on Demand. In contrast to Pay T V, w h e re a subbscription is taken out for a complete pro-
gra m m e, h e re only individual broadcasts and films are ord e red and paid for. Until now, it wa s
n e c e s s a ry to go to the video store in order to find your favourite film from a wide ra n g e. V i d e o
on demand offers this selection at home and over the television. The film selected is re c e i v e d
with the set-top box.
Video Cassette Recorder (Video re c o rd e r )
Satellite intermediate fre q u e n cy = output fre q u e n cy range of the LNC, e. g. 950 to 2050 MHz.
C reated by mixing the satellite reception fre q u e n cy with the oscillator fre q u e n cy (L.O. F.).
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tive name-bearers.
We reserve the rights to make technical amendments.
No responsibility can be accepted for mistakes.