2 5 . epg (electronic program guide) – Dream Property DM5600 User Manual
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2 5 . E P G
2 5 . EPG (Electronic Program Guide)
2 5 . EPG (Electronic Program Guide)
Please read 5. Important notes on operation before starting.
You are in the TV or radio mode, and no OSD menu is displaye d .
To access the EPG, p ress the "Red option” k e y. Navigate to a broadcast of your choice and
p ress the " O K ” k e y to get further information about the progra m m e. Press the " E X I T ” k e y
to re t u rn and make another ch o i c e. To close the EPG press the " E X I T ” k e y s e v e ral times.
You also have the possibility to program a change of programme. Please proceed as follows:
Choose the broadcast to change to, then press the "Blue option” k e y to add this broadcast
to the timer. Now you are in the " Timer edit” menu. T h e re you can program to change to the
broadcast at defined days. By putting a cross in the box in front of "Repeat timer” with the
" O K ” k e y. Now you can define the days when changes should be excecuted by putting a cross
in the boxes in front of the chosen days with the " O K ”k e y. You can also influence the starting
and ending time by navigating with the direction keys and amending the time indicated.
S t o re your settings with the "Green option” k e y.
To verifyl your timer in your timer menu, n avigate to the event on the timer list and press
the " O K ” k e y.
See 15. Timer menu.
2 6 . S l e e p t i m e r
Please read 5. Important notes on operation before starting.
You are in the TV or radio mode, and no OSD menu is displaye d .
P ress and hold down the " Po w e r ” k e y for 3 seconds to access the Shutdown / stand-by
m e n u. Navigate to "set sleeptimer” and press the " O K ” k e y. With your numeric keypad
of your Remote control you can now enter a time in minutes when your Dreambox should
s w i t ch off. Store your settings with the "Green option” k e y.
To verify your sleeptimer navigate to the Timer menu.
See 15. Timer menu.