Dream Property DM5600 User Manual
Page 38

2 9 . G l o s s a r y
2 9 .G l o s s a ry
2 9 . G l o s s a ry
Coding systems
See Encryption systems.
Compact Flash. Standard for a storage medium (memory card) with Flash memory, w h i ch
retains imformation even without pow e r. CF is a scaled-dow n , minimally altered version of
PCMCIA memory cards with the ATA interface. This makes it possible to operate them over a
simple PCMCIA adapter without controller logic. The cards come in three variants (I, II and III),
a c c o rding to their thickness. How e v e r, most devices prefer type I.
Digital Audio Broadcasting. The system offers additional capacity for data transmission. Data
c o m p ression is by MPEG-2.
Data reduction
C o m p ression of picture and sound signals. Redundant information is omitted.
D i g i t a l
The signal transmission method of the future. Signals are tra n s f o rmed into binary code (0's
and 1's) and broadcast in this form. See, by contra s t ,A n a l o g. The latest digital satellite re c e i-
vers implement the future by this wa y.
Digital Satellite Equipment Control (pronounced: die-sec). Developed by Philips for Eutelsat.
Anyone who wants to receive analog and digital programs from A s t ra , E u t e l s a t , and potentially
other satellites cannot avoid DiSEqC. The set-top box delivers control signals in digital form
with which multiple antennae can be selected. In contrast to previous analog control signals
(14 / 18 volt and 22 kHz), the DiSEqc system provides a much larger numer of switching possi-
bilities for control and monitoring of the equipment components of a receiving set-up. DiSEqC
is a trademark of the European Satellite Organization (EUTELSAT ) .
Dolby Digital 5.1
D o l by Digital is a sound transmission system which makes it possible to reproduce digital sur-
round sound on a home cinema system.
D o w n l i n k
The transmission segment from the satellite to the receiving antenna on the ground is descri-
bed as a downlink. Television broadcasters often use satellite transmission from the filming
location to the broadcasting station. The adva n t a g e : It is the quickest way to transport larg e
data volumes over long distances.